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Read this if You're Having a Bad Day

I was sitting around this weekend not really wanting to do much. I just got braces on Thursday morning and have been in constant pain from the extreme pressure. It's not easy to get things done or be productive when you don't feel too hot.

Since I've been writing a blog post every Saturday for like 4 months now, I didn't want to just skip a week. I knew I had to write something but I had no idea about what or how I would find the motivation. I felt like I was in a funk and I didn't really want to do anything.

Everyone has moments like this. Today, I wanted to write a post about a couple things you can do when you're feeling like this.

1. Go Outside. Sometimes, nature can make you feel energized and refreshed. If you go on a hike or just sit outside and read, going outside can make you feel a lot better.

2. Do something relaxing. Another thing that can put you at ease is having a spa day. Try a face mask, a bubble bath with a lit candle and tea, a pedicure, etc.

3. Do something small. Really small accomplishments can help in conquering bigger tasks. No matter what it is, doing something is always better than doing nothing.

4. Hang out with friends. You might just be having a bad day or be in a funk, but hanging out with friends can help you feel better and cheer you up. I like going out to eat or seeing a movie or roller skating or really anything. Just make plans with someone and go!

5. Find something to make you laugh. Whether you like memes or funny videos or whatever, just laugh.

6. Try doing yoga. I always like to do yoga when I feel upset or down. It makes me feel at ease and much more relaxed. Here is a video that I like to refer to for a couple moves that are great for calming you down.

7. Get an adult coloring book. If you don't already have a coloring book, I suggest getting one because it can be a really relaxing thing to do. Even if you're just watching TV or listening to music, having something productive and easy to do with your hands can really go a long way.

8. Do something you enjoy. If you like running, go for a run. If you like reading, pick up a book. If you like binge-watching, start up Netflix.

I hope this post helped you in some way. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Also make sure to check out more of my posts here.

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