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October Poetry Feature ~ Angelina Fay & Molly Hillery

It's almost the end of October which means it is time for another poetry feature! This week, I wanted to write about 2 beautiful poets because I recently did a book exchange with them and fell in love with their works.


Angelina Fay is the author of "asleep for years" which is filled with raw power, an impressive vocabulary, and a true feeling of experience. Angelina knows what she’s doing when it comes to evoking emotion and telling an enticing story. I couldn’t put this book down! Overall, this is just a beautiful piece of art that i enjoyed thoroughly. i would highly suggest this to any poetry lover (beginner or experienced). Especially if you are invoked by beautiful words, this is a great book for you. I also love how re-readable all of the poems are. I could read the same one a few times and it wouldn't get old- that's good writing!


The second poet is Molly S. Hillery who wrote "Bare Roots". I saw this book a while ago and absolutely loved the concept of using plant related things for section names (for example: Pruning the Damage, Battling the Weeds, Buds of Hope, etc). This book is a hauntingly beautiful story that will break you then gently put you back together. It is truly relatable on so many levels, even if you haven’t gone through the same things as Molly. She shouts things boldly that others wouldn't dare even whisper. The book does contain mature content, so I would not recommend for a younger audience, but otherwise, I highly suggest it to any poetry lover and especially fans of Jennae Cecelia because the writing styles are very similar. (plus, it’s an amazing price for the amount of content you get!)

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little poetry post this week! Let me know if you enjoy the poetry pieces and if you would like to see more of them or if you like reading these shorter posts. Thank you so much for reading!

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