Hey everyone, today I wanted to write about some of my favorite Netflix shows. I hope you enjoy reading, let me know if you've seen any of these shows or what you think!
1. Gossip Girl
I started watching this show Winter last year and finished all 6 seasons in less than 2 months. Usually, I wouldn't like a show about bratty, spoiled teens with their dramatics and secrets, but I actually enjoyed watching Gossip Girl. There is such a wide array of characters, and each one of them are given such depth. Think of it like a scripted Keeping up with the Kardashians set in New York. It's not like you wish to be these people or are jealous of them, but it's just thoroughly enjoying and fun.
2. Lost
Being a true cult classic, Lost has created a mind-boggling and addicting 6 seasons. Although it's an older show and not talked about much anymore, I was still so drawn to this show. It is a mix of mystery, science fiction, romance, and survival, all combining to make a great series. If you like The Walking Dead, you'll probably enjoy this show as well.
3. Friends
You know what Friends is, whether you've watched it or not. This is probably one of the most well-known American shows, and it is understandable why people all across the globe still watch and enjoy Friends to this day. A whopping 10 seasons is filled with the personal lives of six friends living in New York in the 90's and early 00's. This is such a light-hearted and lovable show that it is hard not to get into it. If you like Seinfeld, you'll love this.
4. Parks and Recreation
This show is a lot like The Office, and surprisingly, I think you'd either like one or the other. I love Parks and Rec but couldn't watch three episodes of The Office without getting thoroughly bored (sorry to my Office fans). This show is filled with dry and subtle humor (which I love) in a mundane world of Indiana public officials. Characters like Tom, Leslie, Ron, Chris, etc. bring such an entertaining personality and color to the show that is set in a gray world.
5. Once Upon a Time
I usually don't like fantasy shows, but I really loved the depth and complexity of this show as it twisted classic fairy tale stories into a modern and thoroughly entertaining show. Everyone is linked in some way and with a wide array of characters, it is easy to relate to them. Recently starting it's 7th season, OUAT is still going strong.
6. Riverdale
If you're a teenager, you definitely know what this show is, either from ads or social media or just watching it. Most people my age have seen this show, and it's understandable why. I didn't want to like this show because I'm sick of fantasized versions of the lives we live and how dramatized they are (13 Reasons Why, Fault in our Stars, etc.) But I actually was sucked into the phenomenon instantly. It is a mix of romance, drama, murder mystery, and it is actually well-made with a great cast.
7. Sherlock
I have been a fan of Sherlock Holmes since I saw Robert Downey Jr. play in the first film from 2009. When I heard about this series (starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman) I didn't even consider watching it because I was so in love with the way Sherlock was portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. in the films. However, last year I decided to watch the show, and really enjoyed it. It does take place in modern day, but I think that's what sets it apart and makes it really unique and interesting to a current audience. I still like how in the films, Sherlock is portrayed as rebellious, daring, and brilliant but in the show, he is portrayed more psychotic, calculated, and strange.
8. Scandal
From the brilliant mind of Shonda Rhimes (creator of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice) this show is very well-made and entertaining. It is all about powerhouse Olivia Pope, who is the person to call if you have a problem. She even captures the president's interest and their love affair is a main topic in the earlier seasons. However, in the current season, Olivia has more power in the White House and is on a power trip. It's a little annoying to see her riding such a cocky high, but what are you going to do about it? She's Olivia Pope and no one tells her what to do.
9. New Girl
I just started watching this show a couple weeks ago, so I'm only on the first season, but I'm really enjoying so far! It's another feel-good sitcom following Jess Day as she lives with her three male roommates. They all make a dysfunctional family-friendship and it's just a really sweet and bubbly show.
10. Chef's Table
This series is actually a documentary, each episode profiling the life of a world-renowned chef. It is actually throughly entertaining and very well-directed and edited. It explores the minds of some pretty amazing people and since I want to be a traveling journalist who covers something like this, I was very glad to see it done so well.