Today I wanted to do a craft because it's been a while since I sewed. This creation is entirely made from scratch, and was originally inspired by an image I found online. I couldn't find any tutorials for this craft, so I decided to spend the majority of my day making a template and creating this. I hope you enjoy this labor of love and create your own little headphone holder!
1. Two colors of felt (I chose beige and light pink)
2. Template above
3. Scissors
4. Embroidery thread to match the felt colors
5. Black embroidery thread
6. Sewing needle
7. Sew on snaps
8. Optional: light pink blush and an eyeshadow brush
Cutting the Pieces:
Use your scissors to cut out the template. You do not have to cut out both of the same shape, they are just there for convenience. Cut out two of every shape except for the earphone flap, of which you will only need one. Also, it is not pictured, but cut out a third of the body base shape. Use color A (I used beige) for the body base, arms, and ear outline. Use color B (I used pink) for the earphone flap and ear lining.
First Attachment:
Begin with the earphone flap and blanket stitch all around the border. Backstitch the flap onto one of the layers of the body base. Make sure you only backstitch a single line along the top and not all the way around.
Adding the Face Details:
Use the black embroidery thread to stitch on eyes and a mouth. You can position them however you like, But I like to keep them wide and small, continuously going back and forth until you have something resembling an eye. For the mouth, Make a small "x" rather close to the eyes.
Use the eyeshadow brush to apply a small amount of blush just below the eyes. This step is optional but I think it makes it much more cute.
Making the Ears:
Use embroidery thread in color B (I used pink) and with a running stitch, attach the ear lining to the ear outline. Repeat for the other ear set.
Putting it All Together:
Line up the ears and arms where you want them to be on one of the blank body bases. Cut out the pieces of felt so that they fit into the body base. Lay all three body bases on one another, with the face on the front, the cutout piece in the middle, and the blank base at the back.
Use a blanket stitch to connect the three bases.
Attaching the Arms and Ears:
When you reach the spot where the arm goes, pause, and insert the felt piece for the arm. Continue the blanket stitch around the arm, then do a running stitch along the base of it. Thread the needle through the arm to return it to the front so that you can continue the blanket stitch.
Every time you reach an arm or ear, repeat this pattern.
Sew on the Clasp:
Put the clasp onto the earphone flap and body base. try not to poke the needle all the way through so that the thread doesn't show through the back. It'll look less messy this way.
Wrap your headphones around the body or wrap them around your hand and snap them into the flap.
And that's it! This craft is very simple to make and super cute. Especially when traveling, this is very helpful to keep your headphones from tangling and to find them easily. Let me know if you would like to see more crafts like this, and make sure you check out my other posts. Thanks!