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Rustic Decor ~ DIY Hanging Planter

This month I was so excited to receive my Darby Smart box in the mail because the theme was Finnish Himelli decor! If you have never heard of this, it is traditionally a geometric wire structure that is meant to ring blessings and good vibes. I think this is a great theme for January because it's like a fresh start, and what better way to start the year than with good vibes? I hope you enjoy this tutorial and remember to subscribe for more content like this! Also make sure you sign up for Darby Smart if you want this kit!

This kit comes with a wire cutter, string wire, small brass pipes, and an air plant to hang in the planter.

1. Use a ruler to line up your brass pipes. Cut two pipes in half by making a small mark at about 5.1". To cut the brass pipe, insert it into the cutter and line up your mark with the blade. Turn the knob until it is just tight enough and begin spinning the cutter. It will make continuous cut around the pipe until it eventually reaches the center and breaks. You should have four tubes total.

2. Cut one tube into quarters by marking it at about 2.6"". This should give you four more pieces, so in total you now have eight.

3. Cut a long piece of the string wire and thread it through a big piece, then a small piece, then another big piece. This gives you one wall of the pyramid. From the tip of the triangle, add a long piece then a short piece. Now you should have two walls of the pyramid. Follow the pattern until you have connected all of the walls at the base; and have a pyramid!

4. String two full length pieces to the base of the pyramid like shown below. Add two more so that so have a full pyramid. Now your structure it complete! You can add your air plant in the center and hang it up by the wire.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and hopefully plan to make it on your own! I love Darby Smart because each month they give you all the supplies you need to discover a new hobby that you might never have tried otherwise. Thanks so much for reading! You can check out more content here

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